mercredi 5 novembre 2008

I'm In Love

Today, Barack Obama and the American people had once again made history and reminded the world that the American dream is still alive. I see people around the world crying, screeming, jumping, dansing, drinking, huging, kissing, staring,....And I know they feel that this way is not at the height of what they are feeling right now, that they would've liked to express what that victory really means to them but yet....No way. The moment is too big and they've never prepared themselves to such a emotion that they could never find a way to express that feeling. There is something inside them, burning and bursting that they just can't express otherwise. I just reminds me of something: love. I gotta be in love to feel that way. You know that feeling. It's more than words can say.

The election of Barack Obama is not just a victory for the American people, it's triumph of those that are seeking the world as it should be. As far as your imagination can go, I'm deeply convieced that one could never seize the magnitude of that vicotry to history. We will be told.

Obama made history by calling to the best of the American people, asking them to hope, to believe and to answer the call of the "this is our moment" by "yes we can". But if there is one thing that this election has taught us, is that somewhat, we are all Americans. We don't need a "transformational" president in Burkina Faso to answer that call. Obama had also asked the world in Berlin to answer the same call. So let me put it that way. "People of Burkina Faso, this is our moment. This is our time." The momentum is there. We don't need any other president or leader to lift us up there. MKJ had dreamed and shown the promise land. BHO strived to make it true and reach it. We can't no longer not dream and not strive to achieve what seems impossible yesterday. Impossible is nothing for ever 'cause Yes We Can.

3 commentaires:

  1. The Change we need,the change we hope is there and in few year we'll see it we'll find it:All U S A and the world begin another story,the best,the wonderful never seen before!
    I'm not American I'm Obamian I'm African,let me chance my behaviour let me pry to contribute to the international change by bringing positive energy!
    GOD protect Obama!
    God bless Africa!

  2. Martin Luther King Day will be celebrated January 19, 2009; the following day, January 20, 2009 will be the inauguration for America's first African- American President. The dream has come true! We have overcome!

  3. Truly US has the opportunity to do something else, something better, because with Bush i think there is a lot of room to improve, in my case i hope obama will not forget latin america as Bush did.
